Retreat Oasis Portugal Logo Gold

Manifestation & Biohacking Retreat, in June 2024

probably the most powerful retreat for your transformation

06th-09th June 2024, Praia Grande in Portugal

Become the creator of your dream life

Discover your incredible manifestation power, unfold your potential – use BioHacking for your success.

✓ Do you feel like constantly juggling a million things and not having time to pursue your goals and visions?

✓ Would you like to learn how to boost your energy and productivity to make the most out of each day?

✓ Are you interested in powerful tools to effortlessly manifest your dreams?

✓ Do you sometimes feel stressed and want to learn how a nervous system reset works?

✓ Do you want to let go of limiting thought patterns, set new goals, and unleash your full potential?

✓ Do you wish to become a magnet of happiness, where you live your full creative power with financial freedom, vitality, and abundance on all levels of your being?

… then this 4-days retreat is the perfect match for you!

Manifestation, potential development Bio Hacking Retreat 6-9. June 2024 Portugal

A Transformative Power Retreat

Do you feel it too? That it’s time to break free from your inner chains, stop playing small, and say YES to your new, exciting path in alignment with your visions!

Set sail for new horizons – with full creative power into the new chapter of your life. In this retreat, you will be equipped with the best tools of manifestation, uncovering your incredible creative potential, and delving deep to give space to the unfolding of your potential. State-of-the-art biohacking techniques will support your success. Embark on a transformative journey that deeply connects you to your inner source of creativity and provides you with the tools to manifest your dreams.

Retreat Highlights:

Heart-Brain Coherence Techniques – create a life from the quantum field

Frequency-Shift Wisdom for deep resonance to materialize your desires

Nervous System Reset – learn meditation and breathing techniques for immediate relaxation in daily life

Supercharge your “wonderful body” with the best BioHacking tools for your success

“Uncover your Potential” – a journey of discovery to your origin

Cacao Ceremony – an extraordinary meditation journey to your Self

3 x Vitality Breakfast Brunch

1 x rich 3-course dinner in a cozy atmosphere

Welcome Package with an exclusive gratitude journal

Secure your Last Minute Discount!

instead of 795 €

only 527 euro / person

You save 268 € !

Secure your spot! Limited number available.

Additional -10% Discount

… for your friend when you come together and share a double room during the retreat.

Best price!!
only 474 euros / for your friend

Book Now & Secure Best Price



Julia Moana Mascha

Attention Visionaries!

I am Julia, the founder of Retreat Oasis Portugal, and I want to offer you a transformative experience where you awaken the incredible power that lies within you.

From my own experience, I know that there is still “so much more possible“; we often put our wishes and visions on hold and forget how unique and powerful we are. Within each of us lies an infinitely valuable potential waiting to be discovered and lived. You deserve not only to be happy but also to experience financial abundance, a sense of freedom, appreciation, and unconditional love – daily! How often do we undervalue ourselves, limit ourselves, and fail to recognize our own potential due to belief patterns, traumas, and negative thought spirals. Let’s dive fully into your creative power together and create space for the unfolding of your potential. With powerful biohacking techniques, we support your body’s system to become a magnet for vitality, complete health, positivity, and success from your center. Are you ready for the next level? Let’s take you to the next level of your being – it’s time to “put your full horsepower on the road”. Let’s Go.

Spend 4 days in a stunning villa within walking distance to the beach, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and experienced coaches who care about your needs. Participate in workshops and meditations, enjoy the sea, and indulge in delicious and healthy meals.

This 4-day retreat in Portugal is perfect for people who want to continue growing and efficiently use their resources in alignment with their visions. Discover new ways to channel your energy with even more serenity, joy, and confidence to make dreams come true.

You deserve to enjoy your dream life and experience financial abundance by living your potentials – we want to help you do that.

Don’t hesitate, and book today this Manifestation Retreat in Portugal with Biohacking and Potential Unleashing. We look forward to accompanying you on this journey to embrace your full power.

What are you waiting for?

Sign up now and experience how this retreat can change your life forever. Let’s together make your dreams come true and unfold your true greatness!

June 6ᵗʰ until 09ᵗʰ 2024,
4 Days Retreat in Portugal Walking Distance to the Beach

Retreat Program

What awaits you at the Manifestation, Potential Unleashing, and Biohacking Retreat

During this retreat, you will immerse yourself in a world of unlimited possibilities. From inspiring workshops to practical exercises, you will learn how to unleash your creative power and turn your visions into reality. Our experienced team of experts will accompany you on your journey and help you understand and harness the power of your thoughts, intentions, and frequencies.

The BIOHACKING ELEMENT of our retreat will take you to a whole new level of consciousness and physical performance. Through the application of advanced techniques, you will learn to optimize your body and mind and tap into your full potential. We will show you how to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your mental clarity, enabling you to be successful in every aspect of your life. Throughout these 4 days, you will also experience a culinary journey of nerve-strengthening, plant-based B vitamins and antioxidant-rich cuisine, discovering how simple it is to enhance your vitality and strengthen your nerves.

Our workshops on POTENTIAL UNLEASHING are designed to inspire you and support your personal growth journey. You will release limiting beliefs, set new goals, and get to know yourself on a deeper level. Through transformation and self-reflection, you will discover your true potential and realize that everything you desire is already within you.

Embark on a transformative journey of MANIFESTATION and open yourself to the boundless potential that lies within you. Learn how to consciously shape your life, manifest your goals, and harness your creative power with ingenious tools. Recognize that you are the architect of your own success, and that there are no limits except those you set for yourself.

Indulge in an inspiring retreat with inner growth, nature, and enjoyment!

In addition to the daily inspiring workshops, there will be an analysis of your current state and the direction in which you want to further develop. This will help you get to know yourself better and identify areas in your life where there is room for growth and even more abundance.

Sample Program Schedule:

Day 1 (Thursday):

  • 16:00 – 17:00: Arrival and Check-in (let us know if you’ll arrive later)
  • 17:00 – 17:30: Welcome and Introduction to the Retreat
  • 17:30 – 18:30: Welcome Cacao Ceremony – An extraordinary meditation journey to yourself
  • 19:00 – 20:30: Rich 3-course dinner in a cozy atmosphere
  • 20:30 – 21:30: Frequency-Shift Wisdom for deep resonance to materialize your desires

Day 2 (Friday):

  • 08:30 – 10:00: Vitality Breakfast Brunch
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Workshop – Heart-Brain Coherence Techniques – Create a life from the quantum field
    12:30: Vital Snack
  • 12:45 – 15:30: Lunch break and free time for lunch, relaxation, massage, beach
  • 15:30 – 17:00: “Uncover your Potential” – A journey of discovery to your origin
  • 17:15 – 18:30: Nervous System Reset – Learn meditation and breathing techniques for immediate relaxation in daily life
  • 18:45: Time for dinner

Day 3 (Saturday):

  • 08:30 – 10:00: Vitality Breakfast Brunch
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Workshop – Supercharge your “wonderful body” with the best BioHacking tools for your success
  • 12:30 – 16:00: Lunch break and free time for lunch, relaxation, massage, beach
  • 16:00 – 18:00: Workshop “Unlocking Your True Potential” – A journey inspired by Gerald Hüther
  • 18:00 – 20:30: Time for dinner
  • 20:30 – 21:30: Meditation Journey “Reset Limiting Beliefs”

Day 3 (Sunday):

  • 08:30 – 10:00: Vitality Breakfast Brunch
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Create your Heart Vision
  • 12:30: Vital Snack
  • 12:45 – 14:00: Free time for lunch, relaxation, massage, beach
  • 14:00: Integration Circle and Meditation
  • 15:00: Retreat Ends
Subject to changes
Nothing is mandatory. You can tailor your stay as you wish.

Arrival day: Please arrive by 5:00 PM. If it’s not possible for you to arrive by 5 PM, please let us know in advance.

Departure day: On Sunday, please vacate the rooms by 12:00 PM. You can safely store your luggage. The retreat program continues until 3:00 PM on Sunday.

Manifestation Techniques That Really Work
Discover powerful biohacking tools
Delicious brunch – let yourself be pampered
Additional Infos:
4 days (Thu.–Sun.) Retreat in English
The organizer also speaks German & Portuguese
Group size: Max. 16 participants
Retreat starts Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (arrival from 4:00 p.m.)
Retreat ends on Sundays at 4:00 PM
free parking
Beach proximity: only 5 minutes walk to the beach
Great infrastructure: cafes, restaurants, mini supermarket within walking distance
Food intolerances are taken into account
Free Wifi available
Air conditioning heating in all living areas and rooms
fully equipped kitchen usable

Secure your Last Minute Discount!

instead of 795 €

only 527 euro / person

You save 268 € !

Secure your spot! Limited number available.

Additional -10% Discount

… for your friend when you come together and share a double room during the retreat.

Best price!!
only 474 euros / for your friend

Book Now & Secure Best Price

Your Facilitators

3 wonderful women accompany you carefully through your powerful transformation journey.

Christina Wennmacher

Christina has been an awareness coach/facilitator for more than 10 years, with a particular passion for supporting women and families. Her powerful coaching and workshops invite you to awareness, transformation and healing.

Transformation Coach
More about Christina

Julia Moana Masha

As a Life Designer, Manifestation Coach and certified Energetic Healer, Julia helps to unfold potential and find healing on all levels. She loves to encourage people to become more conscious designers of their own lives – for a maximum of trust, resilience, success and happiness in life.

Founder of Retreat Oasis Portugal
More about Julia

Leela Plum Porro

Creativity & Dance flow through Leela’s veins. As a certified circus educator and potential-unleashing coach, she helps discover hidden powers and untapped potential with playful ease. She loves to set people in motion and inspire them to give space for their potential to unfold through “Vital mOvement Arts.”

Potential Unleashing Coach

Retreat Oasis Portugal IconRetreat Oasis Portugal Icon


Living with a feel-good factor

The Retreat Oasis Portugal is located in Sintra within walking distance to Praia Grande Beach and Praia Pequena.

Where you relax: The Retreat Oasis Portugal is quietly located on a 3000 square meter property, surrounded by eucalyptus trees and palm trees. Next to the villa and the extra house, you will also a yoga deck, creative studio and a massage tent. The beautiful garden with hammocks, vegetable garden and meditation area invites you to relax, write and meditate.

Where you live: The Retreat Oasis Portugal offers you, in addition to stylishly furnished double rooms (some en suite) with heating/air conditioning, an inviting living room with an open fireplace, dining lounge with a solid wood table. Enjoy the fantastic view of the countryside.

Where you eat: In addition to the dining area in the house, there are also 2 terraces where you can enjoy culinary delights either in the shade or in the sun. Brunch, dinner, snacks and table drinks, unlimited coffee and tea are included. We are happy to take allergies and intolerances into account at any time. Of course you can also use the kitchen yourself.

Retreat Oasis Portugal IconRetreat Oasis Portugal Icon

Manifestation, Potential Development, Biohacking Retreat

Questions & Answers

Where does the retreat take place?
This special retreat for potential explorers and biohackers takes place at the Retreat Oasis Portugal. The retreat venue is located in the Colares region in Sintra, just a 35-minute drive from Lisbon. 3 beaches are within walking distance.
What types of rooms exist?
At Retreat Oasis Portugal, you have the option to choose between single and double rooms. If you attend the retreat together with a friend and share a double room, both of you will receive a 10% discount on the total retreat price.

Please note that we reserve the right to apply a single room surcharge of 37.50 euros per night.

If you are attending the retreat alone, you will be accommodated in a twin room. This setup allows you to meet new like-minded friends and experience a wonderful sense of community. We look forward to providing you with an enriching and inspiring experience, where you can forge valuable connections.

Additionally, there are hotels and Airbnb accommodations available around the retreat location, should you prefer to stay elsewhere.

We can’t wait to welcome you and create unforgettable memories together!

When does the retreat take place?
The retreat takes place from Thursday, June 6th, to Sunday, June 9th, 2024. It starts on Thursday at 5:00 PM (check-in possible from 4:00 PM). The retreat ends on Sunday at 3:00 PM.
Who is the retreat for?
This retreat is for all those who are ready to unleash their full potential and consciously shape their lives. Whether you want to personally grow, achieve professional goals, or find more fulfillment in your daily life – this retreat provides you with the tools and techniques to activate your inner creative power and manifest your dreams. Whether you already have experience in manifestation, biohacking, and potential unfolding or you are completely new to this area, you are in the right place. Immerse yourself in a transformative experience and become part of an inspiring community of like-minded individuals who are committed to advancing their personal development. This retreat is for all those who want to embark on a journey to their true selves and are ready to elevate their lives to a new level. No matter what stage of life you are currently in, this retreat will empower you to discover and unfold your true potential. Be ready to break boundaries and experience profound transformation – this retreat is tailor-made for you.
Do I need previous knowledge to participate in the retreat?

No, any person with the desire to develop personally and give more space to their manifestation power can participate in the retreat.

What exactly is biohacking?
The ultimate goal of biohacking is to empower individuals to become the best version of themselves by optimizing their physical and mental health.

A biohacker aims to become the best possible version of themselves while improving their performance in a healthy manner.

The objective of biohacking is to optimize one’s own biology and make conscious decisions to positively influence health, energy, focus, and overall quality of life.

Some common biohacking practices include collecting and analyzing data on sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress, as well as using supplements, technology, and specific interventions to enhance performance and longevity.

During this retreat, we will particularly focus on the areas of “Frequencies,” “Movement,” “Flow,” “Mindset & Gratitude,” and “Oxygen” and “Sleep.”

From what age is the retreat suitable?

We are excited to announce that our retreat is open to young people aged 14 and above! We firmly believe that teenagers can also benefit from this unique experience and gain valuable insights for their personal development.

Participating in the retreat offers the following advantages for young people:
Potential Unleashing: In the transformative atmosphere and inspiring workshops, teenagers have the opportunity to discover and unfold their inner potential. They are encouraged to recognize their strengths and confidently evolve.

Stress Reduction: The retreat provides a safe space where young people can learn to reduce stress and find inner peace. The relaxation techniques they learn can help them cope better with the challenges of everyday life.

Social Connections: The retreat brings like-minded individuals together and fosters the creation of new friendships. Teenagers have the chance to feel comfortable in a supportive community and learn from others’ experiences.

Life Skills: By participating in the workshops and activities, young people will develop important life skills such as setting visions, recognizing potentials, and becoming more body-aware. These skills will be highly beneficial for their personal and professional future.

Self-Reflection: The retreat offers space for self-reflection and personal growth. Teenagers are encouraged to explore their goals, values, and dreams, and develop a positive outlook on their future.

We are thrilled to accompany young people on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So, if you are 14 years or older, we warmly invite you to be a part of this retreat and gain valuable experiences that will guide you on your life path.

What is included in the retreat price?
  • 4 days / 3 nights
  • 3 x healthy Vitality Breakfast Brunch
  • 1 x rich multi-course dinners
  • Unlimited coffee, water, and teas
  • Cacao ceremony and meditation journey
  • Daily workshop and meditation sessions
  • Mindfulness for body, mind, and soul
  • Relaxation and physical activity
  • Retreat Oasis welcome gift with exclusive Gratitude Journal
What is not included in the price?
  • Arrival and departure
  • 1:1 coaching, massages, energetic healing sessions
Will there also be free time during the retreat?
Yes, there will be plenty of free time each day (approximately 4 hours) to relax, enjoy the beach and nature. The leisure time also serves for integrating what we have learned and the inner work we do during the workshops.
Are food intolerances taken into account?
If you or your fellow travelers have food intolerances, special dietary needs or allergies, or prefer vegan food – please inform us in good time, at least 1 week before the start of the retreat.
We offer vegan and vegetarian options for both meals, breakfast and dinner, as well as for the snack.
The included dinner is expected to include seafood and fish. Please let us know if you prefer an alternative.
What is the cancellation policy?
  • A reservation requires a deposit of 50% of the total price.
  • The deposit will not be refunded if the booking is cancelled. However, can be used as a credit towards another retreat if the cancellation is made up to 21 days before the retreat with medical confirmation.
  • We recommend taking out travel insurance that covers the retreat costs if participation is not possible due to illness or other reasons.
  • The balance is to be paid on the day of arrival.
  • Cancellation of trip due to COVID-19? If you cancel your trip due to Covid up to 7 days before your arrival date, you can change your booking to another retreat/date free of charge or receive a credit for your non-refundable deposit, which can be used on your next booking.
What happens if I have to leave the retreat early due to an emergency?
The paid retreat price is non-refundable.
Julia will offer you a free zoom follow up transformation session where she will share with you the content of the retreat in a condensed version.

For cases like these, we recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance in advance.

Will there be physical activities during the retreat?

We will learn interesting biohacking methods that are easily applicable for everyone and do not require any athletic background.

Where exactly is the Retreat Oasis Portugal located?
In the Lisbon area, in Sintra, in the Colares district, near the Praia Grande beach.

You can find us right here:

Please enter “Retreat Oasis Portugal” in Google Maps to navigate to us.

This is the address:
Casa Santa Joana, Rua Dr. Fernando Andrea 38, 2705-332 Colares, Portugal

You still have questions?

Here you will find ALL FAQs the Retreat Oasis Portugal

Contact us directly:

We're happy to answer your questions. Call us:

Portuguese number: 
+351 935732061

Austrian number: 
 +43 6609523388 (AT)

or send us an email: